Promote the implementation of energy transition
Created in November 2002, the Superior Council of Energy is consulted once or twice a month, and in particular, monitors the progress of renewable energies – such as wind and photovoltaic energy – in France.
Can you remind us what Superior Council of Energy’s mission is?
Consisting of several colleges (members of Parliament, representatives of ministries, local authorities, consumers, companies and staff of the energy sector, environmental protection associations), the Superior Council of Energy is consulted on key issues. texts concerning energy: – all regulatory acts emanating from the Government, involving the electricity or gas sector, with the exception of those falling within the competence of the National Fund for Electrical Industries and Gas; – regulatory decrees and orders relating to energy saving obligations; – the draft decisions of the Energy Regulatory Commission relating to network tariffs and the conditions for access and connection to public networks of new interconnections.
The Superior Council of Energy can also issue opinions, at the request of the Minister of Energy, on electricity, gas and other fossil fuels, renewable energies and energy-saving policies.
What are its current recommendations on the gas and electricity markets?
The Energy Council is very attentive to the implementation of the energy transition, regularly voted by the vast majority of its members.
In this context, the Superior Council of Energy is committed to ensuring that the texts submitted to it allows for a rapid and balanced implementation of this objective in the gas and electricity markets. It shows particular attention to the rise of renewable energies (wind, photovoltaic), the moderation of prices and the control of the energy demand.
In the coming months, which files will be the priority?
The priority will be to complete the examination of the latest enactments of the energy transition. This will be more than 150 implementing texts that will have been examined. At the end of this work, I wish to pay particular tribute, in advance, to the commitment of Minister Ségolène Royal, who will have allowed for this major shift in our energy policy. Since June, the texts on the agenda depend on the priorities of the new Government.