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Michal Pěchouček, Chairman of the Executive Board of

Michal Pěchouček, Chairman of the Executive Board of   Can you briefly introduce us to was founded in 2019 by academics from the Czech Technical University, Charles University, and the Czech Academy of Sciences, with a significant contribution provided by the City of Prague. This synergy of human and institutional resources is […]

STARTUPYARD, Cedric Maloux President

Despite being the new engines of growth for economies, startups are particularly hard to build even more so when the founders are technical first-time founders with no business experiences. For this reason, a new category of investors was created in the mid-2000’s to specifically help those with technical skills and great ambitions. Going by the […]

Mr. Richard PAVLICA, President of the Czech Space Alliance (CSA)

Mr. Richard PAVLICA, President of the Czech Space Alliance (CSA)   1/        Can you briefly introduce us to The CSA and your missions?  The Czech Space Alliance (CSA) is an industry association of, and for, Czech space companies with proven skills and track record in aerospace business, and with broad international client base. The alliance […]

Martin Baxa, Minister of Culture

  The Ministry of Culture, pursuant to Section 8 of Act No. 2/1969 Coll., on the Establishment of Ministries and Other Central Government Authorities of the Czech Republic, as amended, is the central body of state administration for arts, cultural education, cultural heritage, affairs of churches and religious societies, press matters, including the publication of […]

Vladimír Balaš, Minister for Education, Youth and Sport

Vladimír Balaš, Minister for Education, Youth and Sport Czech Priorities in the area of Education, Youth, Sport, and Research – Opportunity for “New Europe”   The Czech Republic takes over the Presidency at unprecedented times. The world has not yet fully recovered from the Covid-19 pandemics when the barbaric Russian aggression against Ukraine changed the geopolitics […]

Prof. MUDr. Vlastimil Válek, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health

Prof. MUDr. Vlastimil Válek, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health We are living through a difficult time plagued by civil and health threats. The COVID-19 pandemic and Russian aggression have certainly changed the way we think about global health and our lives. What these threats have not changed, however, are our plans and attitudes […]

Marian Jurečka, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Affairs 

Marian Jurečka, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Affairs The crisis shows European cohesion. Difficult times can make us stronger The Czech Republic took over the presidency in the Council of the EU just a few weeks ago. As we know, the time we are in now is very changeable and it […]

Helena Langšádlová , Minister for Science, Research and Innovation

Helena Langšádlová , Minister for Science, Research and Innovation   RESEARCH HAS A KEY ROLE TO PLAY IN RAPIDLY STRENGTHENING EUROPE’S STRATEGIC AUTONOMY The Czech Republic enters the Presidency of the Council of the EU in times of serious multiple crises. The current threats to the European economy, society, and democracy, caused by Putin’s war, bring about […]

Antoni Brega, Chargé d’affaires Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Prague

Antoni Brega, Chargé d’affaires Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Prague   The density of exchange between Czechia and Poland   The Czech Republic invariably remains an important political and economic partner of Poland in the Central European region and in the EU. We share similar views, both on the European and international agenda. […]

Cédric MALOUX, President of the French Tech Prague

Cédric MALOUX, President of the French Tech Prague   Launched at the end of 2013 by the French government, “French Tech” refers to anyone working in or for a French start-up in France or abroad. French Tech is primarily aimed at entrepreneurs, but also investors, engineers, developers, corporations, associations, media, public sector operators, research institutes, […]