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Actualités - Page 62 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe

Launch of the Dossier BRETAGNE

by Leadership Publications

Launch of the Dossier BRETAGNE by Leadership Publications during the European Regions and Towns Week, 9-12 October 2017 in Brussels.   During the 15th edition of the Week of Regions and Cities of Europe organised by the Committee of European Regions and Cities in Brussels, Leadership Publications (MY-LP) realises in the regional magazine “The […]

European Investments and Public Services

Focus on European Investments

In order to promote harmonious development throughout its territory, the European Union’s ambition is to strengthen its economic, social and territorial cohesion. In particular, it aims to reduce the gap between the levels of development of the various regions of which it is composed. To do this, “additional investments should be directed towards infrastructure, particularly […]

Wind power

From about 100 wind turbines in 2000 to today, the French wind farm has, thanks to public support policy, increased to 11,800 MW at the end of 2016, representing 3.9% of French electricity production, Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (Ademe) in its study published on 19 September. The study highlights the main stages […]

Ecological transition

Several associations of communities, following last July’s announcements by the Minister of Ecological Transition, call for climate endowment for communities, as the budget bill for 2018. However, the possibility that they will succeed remains limited. However, the will of the State would be to create “territorial contracts with the communities involved in the ecological transition”. […]

Towards a circular EU recovery plan


L’économie circulaire est un retour aux fondamentaux de l’économie : la gestion des ressources rares. L’ambition de Citeo : faire de ce que nous appelons aujourd’hui des déchets, les ressources de demain. Entretien avec JEAN HORNAIN, Directeur général de Citeo   Qu’est-ce que Citeo ? L’entreprise Citeo est née de la fusion d’Eco-Emballages et d’Ecofolio. […]

Éoliennes en Mer Dieppe-Le Tréport & Éoliennes en Mer Iles d’Yeu et de Noirmoutier

"Our projects are based on proactive consultation and proximity"

Dans le cadre de deux projets d’installations de parcs éoliens en mer, les sociétés Éoliennes en Mer Dieppe – Le Tréport et Éoliennes en Mer Iles d’Yeu et de Noirmoutier ont engagé une démarche de concertation ambitieuse avec tous les acteurs concernés.   POUVEZ-VOUS NOUS PRÉSENTER LES SOCIÉTÉS EOLIENNES EN MER DIEPPE – LE TRÉPORT […]