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Actualités - Page 54 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe


Le paquet “union de l’énergie” vise à offrir une énergie abordable, sûre et durable à l’Europe et à ses citoyens. L’UE doit réduire les dépenses qu’elle consacre aux importations d’énergie. Ces importations coûtent environ 350 milliards d’euros par an, ce qui fait de l’UE le plus grand importateur d’énergie dans le monde. De plus, l’UE […]


Commission calls for stronger EU cooperation against preventable diseases

Vaccination: Commission calls for stronger EU cooperation against preventable diseases Today, the Commission is issuing a set of recommendations for how the EU can strengthen cooperation in the fight against diseases that can be prevented by vaccines. This follows President Juncker’s call, in his 2017 State of the Union address, for action to increase vaccination […]

Artificial intelligence:

Commission outlines a European approach to boost investment and set ethical guidelines

Today the European Commission is presenting a series of measures to put artificial intelligence (AI) at the service of Europeans and boost Europe’s competitiveness in this field. The Commission is proposing a three-pronged approach to increase public and private investment in AI, prepare for socio-economic changes, and ensure an appropriate ethical and legal framework. This […]

The circular economy package:

New EU targets for recycling

The new circular economy package sets out ambitious recycling and landfilling targets for the EU. Find out what the legally binding goals and deadlines are. Managing waste in a more efficient manner is the first step towards a circular economy, where most if not all products and materials are recycled or re-used repeatedly. On 18 […]

Discours du Président Jean-Claude Juncker à la plénière du Parlement européen sur le Cadre financier pluriannuel pour l’après-2020

Monsieur le Président, Merci d’avoir su avec célérité organiser la réunion d’aujourd’hui. La Commission voulait en effet présenter ses propositions d’abord au Parlement et puis à la presse, et pas l’inverse. Et donc, nous présentons d’abord devant vous. Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés, Madame la Présidente du Conseil des Ministres, La Commission vient d’adopter ce matin les propositions qu’elle a […]

EU budget: Commission proposes a modern budget for a Union that protects, empowers and defends

The Commission is today proposing a pragmatic, modern, long-term budget for the 2021-2027 period. It is an honest response to today’s reality in which Europe is expected to play a greater role in providing security and stability in an unstable world, at a time when Brexit will leave a sizeable gap in our budget. Today’s […]

Data protection reform

Parliament approves new rules fit for the digital era

New EU data protection rules which aim to give citizens back control of their personal data and create a high, uniform level of data protection across the EU fit for the digital era was given their final approval by MEPs on Thursday. The reform also sets minimum standards on use of data for policing and […]

Facebook scandal: MEPs call on Zuckerberg to provide answers

MEPs discussed data protection, election manipulation and how to safeguard people’s privacy in the wake of the recent Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal. Facebook data on 87 million users, of which 2.7 million live in the EU, may have been improperly obtained and misused. MEPs discussed the scandal on 18 April, asking Facebook to clarify how it […]

Circular economy: definition, importance and benefits

The European Union produces more than 2.5 billion tonnes of waste every year. It is currently updating its legislation on waste management to promote a shift to a more sustainable model known as the circular economy. But what exactly does the circular economy mean? And what would be the benefits?   What is the circular […]

Plenary vote: stricter EU rules on money laundering and terrorism financing

MEPs Judith Sargentini and Krišjānis Kariņš

To increase transparency and respond to the latest technological developments, MEPs vote on 19 April on an update of EU legislation on money laundering and terrorism financing. If approved by MEPs, the new directive would prevent the EU’s financial system from being used to fund criminal activities. It would also prohibit the large-scale concealment of […]