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Actualités - Page 52 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe

Water reuse:

Commission proposes measures to make it easier and safer for agricultural irrigation

Today, the Commission is proposing new rules to stimulate and facilitate water reuse in the EU for agricultural irrigation. The new rules will help farmers make the best use of non-potable wastewater, alleviating water scarcity whilst protecting the environment and consumers. Commissioner Vella, responsible for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, said: “This proposal will […]

EU budget:

Regional Development and Cohesion Policy beyond 2020

For the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027, the Commission proposes to modernise Cohesion Policy, the EU’s main investment policy and one of its most concrete expressions of solidarity. The EU’s economy is bouncing back, but additional investment efforts are needed to tackle persistent gaps between and within Member States. With a budget of €373 billion […]


President of AMORCE

Recycling channels: improving existing devices   AMORCE is the first French information network, experience sharing and support for communities and other local decision-makers in terms of territory and waste management energy-climate policies.   AMORCE now has more than 860 members and represents 60 million inhabitants. What are its missions? The association assists its members by […]


President of the Union of Water and Environment Industries (UIE)

The water industry is constantly innovating …   Preserve the French model of water and guard against emerging risks: ambitious objectives that mobilise all stakeholders …   How do you analyse the challenges of innovation and ICT for the water sector?   Innovations, particularly information and communication technology (ICT), meet a dual challenge: to preserve […]


President of the Superior Council of Energy, Senator of Aude

Promote the implementation of energy transition   Created in November 2002, the Superior Council of Energy is consulted once or twice a month, and in particular, monitors the progress of renewable energies – such as wind and photovoltaic energy – in France.   Can you remind us what Superior Council of Energy’s mission is? Consisting […]


State Councilor of the Canton of Geneva, in charge of the Department of Environment, Transport and Agriculture (DETA)

The protection of aquatic ecosystems harmonised at European level   A framework directive aims to protect and restore the quality of Europe’s waters and to ensure their long-term sustainable use. Explanations …   Can you remind us are the main objectives of the European Framework Directive (WFD) on water, published in 2000? This Framework Directive […]


#EUGreenWeek | 21>25 may 2018

IS YOUR CITY DELIVERING THE BEST FOR YOUR CITIZENS AND BUSINESSES? Green cities do better. They are healthy, with clean air, green spaces, safe drinking water, and offer a great quality of life to the people that live there. Green cities give better value to its businesses, stimulating economic growth, innovation and creating jobs. Green […]

Europe on the Move:

Commission completes its agenda for safe, clean and connected mobility

The Juncker Commission is undertaking the third and final set of actions to modernise Europe’s transport system. In his State of the Union address of September 2017, President Juncker set out a goal for the EU and its industries to become a world leader in innovation, digitisation and decarbonisation. Building on the previous ‘Europe on […]


Director General of the Environment at the European Commission

The protection of aquatic ecosystems harmonised at European level   A framework directive aims to protect and restore the quality of Europe’s waters and to ensure their long-term sustainable use. Explanations …   Can you remind us are the main objectives of the European Framework Directive (WFD) on water, published in 2000? This Framework Directive […]

Mr Jean-Louis BAL

President of the Renewable Energies Union

Renewable energies must be at the heart of our climate policies The rational use of energy and the increased use of energy from non-fossil sources are two major assets of any policy aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities, thus contributing to our climate policies.   Why, as is often said, is […]