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Interview croisée de Belaide Bedreddine, Président du SIAAP et de Jacques Olivier, Directeur Général du SIAAP

Pouvez-vous nous présenter le SIAAP ? quelles sont vos missions et compétences ? Jacques Olivier : Créé en 1970 par quatre départements franciliens pour assurer le transport et la dépollution de leurs eaux usées, le SIAAP (Syndicat Interdépartemental pour l’Assainissement de l’Agglomération Parisienne) est le Service public qui dépollue chaque jour les eaux usées de […]

La réforme de l’Union économique et monétaire n’est pas seulement un enjeu franco-allemand mais une urgence systémique pour toute l’Europe

Par Christophe ROUILLON (PS), maire de Coulaines (Sarthe), membre du Comité européen des Régions, Vice-Président de l’Association des Maires de France chargé de l’Europe Il reste peu de temps à “l’Europe” pour aboutir à des résultats concrets avant la campagne des élections européennes qui s’annoncent à haut risque. La constitution en Italie, dans un des […]

Drones :

new rules for safer skies across Europe

The first ever EU rules on drones will help to better safeguard people’s privacy and personal data as well as protect the environment On 12 June MEPs will vote on new aviation safety rules to provide clear and consistent laws for the use of drones in European airspace.   Why EU-wide laws are needed Research […]

EU budget:

Commission proposes to increase funding to support the environment and climate action

For the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027, the Commission is proposing to increase funding by almost 60% for LIFE, the EU programme for the environment and climate action. The LIFE programme is among the EU funding programmes for which the Commission is proposing the largest proportional increase, with a budget of €5.45 billion between 2021 […]

Mr Paolo FALCIONI, Director General of APPLIA EUROPE

Can you introduce APPLiA Europe, its missions, its skills? (In 3 words …) APPLiA is a Brussels-based trade association that provides a single, consensual voice for the home appliance industry in Europe. APPLiA’s mission is to represent the sector, to unite its diverse members into a single, dynamic, political actor, to shape European policy and […]

GDPR is in effect: now you decide on your digital privacy

New rules to protect the data of Europeans online and simplify rules for companies handling personal information apply to the EU from 25 May. Research shows that only 15 % of people feel they have complete control over the information they provide online. The new General Data Protection Rules (GDPR) which come into full effect […]

Energies du Santerre

Nous sommes des hommes au service de vos énergies

Social Economy and Disability: a winning formula to be promoted

Reflections on the occasion of the European Social Economy Day

By Yannis Vardakastanis, President, European Disability Forum Seven months ago the leaders of the 28 EU member states adopted in Stockholm the so-called European Pillar of Social Rights, by which they committed to a set of 20 principles and rights. From the right to fair wages to the right to health care; from lifelong learning, […]

Interview : S.E. Mrs ODOBESCU Luminiţa Teodora

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Romania to the European Union and Chair of the Group of Francophone Ambassadors to Brussels (GAF-B)

Can you present the Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union? What are your accreditations, your missions and skills? Like the Permanent Representations of the other Member States, our Permanent Representation concentrates its efforts, in accordance with the mandate, on supporting the EU’s legislative and decision-making processes in a way that is most favourable […]

Future of EU farming:

no budget cuts or nationalisation

MEPs want a fair, competitive and sustainable EU agricultural policy after 2020. They stress the importance of common rules and a budget with sufficient means. On 30 May,  MEPs adopted an own-initiative report outlining how Parliament wants  the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to be modernised. They stressed the importance of maintaining an integrated, EU-level […]