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Actualités - Page 50 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe

Mrs Angela CRISTEA

Representative of the European Commission in Romania

Could you talk to us about the European Commission Representation in Romania, your missions and skills? The Commission has a presence in Romania since 1993, when a Delegation was opened for the first time. It has provided support to Romania throughout the accession process and has become a Representation since the moment of accession in […]

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council

ACER regulation

In a public session, the Council agreed its position on the regulation on ACER, the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators. Since its creation in 2011, ACER has improved coordination between energy regulators on cross-border issues. The Union electricity grid is closely interconnected and there is an increasing need for neighbouring countries to […]


« Président du Syndicat des Eaux d’Île-de-France (SEDIF), Ancien Ministre, Maire d’Issy-les-Moulineaux, Vice-Président de la Métropole du Grand Paris »

Pouvez-vous nous présenter le SEDIF ? Quelles sont ses missions et compétences ? (En 2 mots…) Créé en 1923, le Syndicat des Eaux d’Ile-de-France est le premier service public d’eau en France et l’un des tout premiers en Europe. Il produit et distribue l’eau potable pour le compte de 150 communes de la région parisienne, […]

Circular Economy

Council adopts conclusions

On 25 June the Environment Council adopted conclusions on delivering the EU action plan for the circular economy. The Council reconfirmed the potential of the circular economy to achieve sustainable growth and to reduce the dependency of the EU on non-renewable primary raw materials, in particular through an increased recycling of plastic products. It underlined […]

General Affairs Council

EU's enlargement

The Council adopted conclusions on the EU’s enlargement policy and the stabilisation and association process. The conclusions reaffirm the EU’s commitment to the enlargement process and to the European perspective of the Western Balkans. The Council agreed to respond positively to the progress made by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania, and set […]

The Energy union

Commission welcomes ambitious agreement

An ambitious political agreement on the governance of the Energy Union was reached today between negotiators from the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. With today’s deal the Member States of the European Union will be equipped to govern the Energy Union – this common project aimed at ensuring that all Europeans have access […]

Interview of Garrett Blaney & Andrew Ebrill

President of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), President of CRU Ireland & CEER Secretary General

Garrett Blaney, President of CEER and Chair of ACER Board of Regulators     CEER, as the voice of Europe’s energy regulators, has long had a reputation for being visionary and working to ensure that energy consumers benefit from market liberalisation. Since becoming leader of European energy regulators last November, I have sought to reinvigorate […]

EIB and SaarLB drive renewable energy development with support from Juncker Plan

  The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Landesbank Saar (SaarLB) are promoting the development of renewable energies in France and Germany. On Wednesday, the EU bank and SaarLB signed a €70 million guarantee agreement giving the latter additional scope for investing in renewable energies. The agreement states that the EU bank will guarantee a maximum […]

Entretien de Mme Elisabeth AYRAULT, Présidente du Directoire et Présidente Directrice Générale de la COMPAGNIE NATIONALE DU RHONE (CNR)

Produire et gérer de l’énergie verte à 100%

Pouvez-vous présenter CNR, ses missions et compétences CNR est le concessionnaire du Rhône depuis la frontière Suisse jusqu’à la Méditerranée. Le long du fleuve, nous avons trois missions solidaires consistant à produire de l’hydroélectricité, aménager la voie navigable et irriguer les terres agricoles environnantes. Véritable aménageur des territoires pour la mise en œuvre de la […]

Croyez en nous, car nous ne lâcherons rien !

Entretien avec Monsieur Patrick OLLIER, Président de la Métropole du Grand Paris, Maire de Rueil-Malmaison. Pouvez-vous nous présenter la Métropole du Grand Paris ? quelles sont vos missions et compétences ? Créée depuis le 1er janvier 2016, la Métropole du Grand Paris (814 km² avec 8598 habitants au km²) est un établissement public de coopération […]