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Actualités - Page 46 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe

Mr Emmanuel BERTHE

Head of South East Europe Business Area LIMAGRAIN

LIMAGRAIN is a French company that celebrated its 50 years a short time ago. Can you briefly tell us about its history, areas of activity and geographical locations? LIMAGRAIN, the fourth largest seed company in the world, has set itself the mission of advancing agriculture to meet global food challenges. We are a cooperative group […]


The vision creates the future

SBM Développement France

has proposed in Romania an alternative technology to protect the maize and sunflower crops against Tanymecus dillaticolis, a dangerous regional soil insect

In the specific pedoclimatic conditions of South and South East of Romanian agricultural land, around one million Ha of maize and sunflower emerging crops are exposed every spring to this soil insect attack.     The insects are eating the young emerging plants and when the infestation is high, the crop can be totally damaged, […]

BDR Associates

A Warm Welcome to Romania from BDR Associates

Let’s have a look at the Romanian market and business opportunities open to investors in this country which has taken over the EU Council presidency starting this January 2019. Mrs. Catalina Rousseau, President and CEO of the reputed strategic agency BDR Associates, part of the Hill & Knowlton/WPP global group, speaks about her 23 years […]


Consular Counsellor for Romania and the Republic of Moldova, Lawyer at the Paris and Bucharest Bars, Administrator of the French CCI in Romania

ROMANIA REMAINS A CHOICE DESTINATION WITH MULTIPLE ADVANTAGES FOR FRENCH INVESTMENT   Since 2014, you have been Consular Counsellor for Romania and Moldova, could you tell us about your exceptional professional background and explain to us what your missions are? Indeed, there are many links between my professional background and the representation of the French […]

VERTPOM : Autarke Energieregionen schaffen


VERTPOM® ist das Akronym von „Véritable énERgie du Territoire POsitif et Modulaire“ (Echte Energie aus positivem und modularem Raum) und wurde im Juni 2017 mit Unterstützung des Programmes Investissement d‘Avenir (das In-die-Zukunft-investieren), welches von der ADEME (Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie, französische Agentur für Umwelt und Energie) durchgeführt wird, gestartet. Dieser […]


Ambassador of Romania to the French Republic

After an exemplary career in the media, in early 2016 you take the responsibility to promote your country in France by acceding to the office of Ambassador of Romania to the French Republic, how do you approach this mission? How did your career serve you? What assessment can you make after two years? Indeed, I […]

Mr George Ivașcu

Former minister of Culture and National Identity

As the Romanian presidency of the Council of the European Union approaches, I measure the responsibility and the magnitude of the duties incumbent on us. I am also aware that for some of our partners, Romania is an insufficiently known member that is sometimes trapped in certain clichés. The truth is, as is often the […]

Crédit Agricole Romania

M. Vasile PUŞCAŞ

International Relations scholar and a reputed former Romanian diplomat

ROMANIA’S ACCESSION NEGOTIATIONS Negotiations for EU membership are among the most complex and difficult international negotiations. The substance of these negotiations is given by the content of European legislation (acquis communautaire) and by the meanings of European policies. As such, the matter of negotiation is an enormous amount, and the stake is particular, especially from […]