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Actualités - Page 42 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe

Groupe SEB

An unavoidable leader of gastronomy heritage

“We want to help promote the social practice that surrounds the French-style gourmet meal: conviviality, pleasure of taste, sharing, association with wine, the link to the terroirs and, above all, making it available to everyone.”   Everyone knows Groupe SEB, but today we know that there are new challenges. Can you first of all describe […]

The energy and climate transition

creating opportunities for Europe and for EDF

Interview with Vincent Dufour, Head of EDF European Affairs EDF welcomed the Energy Union plan as soon as it was launched by the Juncker Commission. You are Europe’s leading electric utility, the biggest producer of renewable energies and the number one nuclear power operator in Europe, serving more than 35 million customers a day… As […]



Today, you are the President of the Institut du Goût, would you tell us how this came about? Jacques Puisais, founder of the French Institut du Goût and inventor of the concept of taste education for children, asked me in the spring of 2018 to take over as president of the Institute. I have been […]

(Re)New Europe

European Summit of Cities and Regions to take place in Bucharest on 14-15 March 2019

Over 500 EU, national and local politicians to set out vision on how to strengthen democracy, proximity and solidarity in the European Union More than 500 European, national, regional and local leaders from all Member States will gather in Bucharest on 14-15 March to debate the future of Europe and the role of regions and […]



The Roots of Taste Education In France, the father of taste education is Jacques Puisais. In a visionary spirit and very much ahead of his time, he developed a sensory education program for children. In 1974, this program took the form of ten lessons distributed throughout the school year: the first Classes du Goût were born. Designed […]


The future of French gastronomy, one of the world’s greatest heritages

I was very honoured that you asked me to intervene regarding the future of French gastronomy during the day devoted to the future of heritage, as part of the Global Gatherings. I thank you for that and I will try to live up to the task! For that purpose, it should be accepted as a […]

Wellness training, le bien-être en entreprise

By Mrs. Félicité des Nétumières, President of Wellness Training

Félicité des Nétumières nous livre son constat sur l’importance de promouvoir l’activité physique en entreprise. Depuis plus de 12 ans, Wellness Training met en place des programmes concrets au sein des entreprises pour améliorer durablement le bien-être de leurs collaborateurs.   Au cours des deux dernières décennies, la vie au travail a considérablement changé, ce […]

Mr Alberic de Calonne


You are the founder of CHR-HA, could you briefly talk to us about your company, its history, its expertise as well as the key figures of your activity? I created CHR-HA in May 2006 with the support of a central referral for medical and social institutions AMI2. At the time, all medico-social actors pooled their […]


the national union of sports companies

Depuis bientôt dix ans, FranceActive a su réunir des chefs d’entreprises autour d’une idée : seul on va plus vite, ensemble on va plus loin !   Un champ professionnel en pleine évolution FranceActive a été créé en 2010 par un groupe d’employeurs du plein air désireux de faire exister le secteur marchand dans un […]

SIRHA 2019


Mercredi 30 janvier 2019, Sirha, le grand rendez-vous mondial du Food Service, a fermé ses portes après 5 jours extrêmement riches en rencontres, échanges, et innovations, mais aussi en émotion pour cette première édition sans Monsieur Paul. Le salon professionnel a une nouvelle fois battu des records de fréquentation en accueillant 225 031 professionnels (+8,22% […]