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Actualités - Page 41 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe


Interview with Mr Franck BENITZA, President

Could you give us a quick introduction to KeepTRACE, its history, its competencies and the key figures of your activity? KeepTrace from INNOVACTION group, a conglomerate of expert companies in the fields of telematics, network, innovative electrical cables, and access control created in 1996, is now an expert in geolocation of motorized objects (cars, trucks, […]


the collective intelligence of territorial catering

AGORES is a professional association created in 1986, which brings together more than 1,500 managers and elected officials in charge of the collective catering of local authorities (county, department, region), public institutions of intercommunal cooperation and education offices including overseas territories and departments.     Territorial catering represents 1/3 of collective catering in France, or […]

Mr Bernard VALLAT

President of the FICT

Presentation of the FICT, its history, qualifications and the key figures of its activity Created in 1924, the FICT, Federation of Industrial Charcuterie Caterers, is the spokesperson of the French meat-processing industries. Its mission is to promote and defend the interests of processed and cured meats catering companies established in metropolitan France and overseas regardless […]

Statement by the President Karl-Heinz Lambertz

The future of Europe depends on its regions and cities

Alors que les dirigeants nationaux de l’Union européenne se réunissent aujourd’hui à l’occasion du Sommet européen de Sibiu, ils ont le devoir de proposer beaucoup plus que des paroles symboliques au sujet de la solidarité européenne. Il faudra notamment rappeler que l’euroscepticisme mû par le populisme ne peut pas constituer la réponse adéquate aux défis […]

Epareuses ROUSSEAU

Rousseau innovates and puts on the electric - performance, safety and respect for the environment

ROUSSEAU, an expert on dedicated equipment for the maintenance of roadside verges, has replaced, on its range of E-TP mowers, the transmission of hydraulic power by an electric transmission for the rotor drive. This idea arose from three key issues: to anticipate the future transition of agricultural machinery towards electricity, to show ROUSSEAU’s involvement in […]

“Le Cordon Bleu”, an international network

André Cointreau, President and CEO of Le Cordon Bleu

Could you tell us about ‘’Le Cordon Bleu’’ institute, its history, its goals and its strengths? With over 120 years of experience, Le Cordon Bleu provides the very best culinary and hospitality training. Whilst staying true to its philosophy, which is founded on excellence, our Institute has never ceased to evolve in order to meet […]

A Taste of Europe…

Franck Riester, Minister of Culture

The European Parliament resolution on the European gastronomic heritage’s cultural and educational aspect, voted on 18 February 2014, is part of the European institutions’ commitment to establish gastronomy as a collective culture. The numerous works published by the European Commission’s Publications Office (Typical Recipes: A Culinary Journey Through the New Member States of the European […]

Building together the digital trust of tomorrow

ANSSI - National Agency for the Security of Information Systems

L’actualité opérationnelle de l’ANSSI en 2018 a permis d’établir les grandes tendances de la menace observée en France et en Europe. Face à ces menaces, l’agence a déployé plusieurs stratégies de réponses. D’abord en resserrant les liens avec ses partenaires, au niveau national, comme européen. Ensuite en créant de nouveaux cadres d’échanges pour s’ouvrir et […]

Mr Richard Girardot

President of Ania

Could you introduce us to ANIA, its missions and competences, as well as the key figures of the business sectors that you represent? With its 17,000 companies, 429,000 employees throughout the country, and a turnover of 180 billion euros per year, agribusiness remains the leading French industrial sector and the country’s leading industrial employer. Ania’s […]

The Culinary College of France

The Culinary College of France The Culinary College of France was founded in 2011 by 27 great French chefs who believed their vocation was to promote restoration quality in France and throughout the world. It contributes to the influence of the French gastronomic culture and economy. It supports, promotes and develops the heritage and future […]