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Actualités - Page 38 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe


Minister of Agriculture and Food

Could you introduce to us your missions and your expertise? What are the key figures for the sectors of activity you represent? What is your vision of the food industry of tomorrow? What are the constraints and objectives to be met? I am pleased to have this opportunity to express myself regarding the food issue. […]

NIS cooperation group

Following a French and Spanish initiative within the framework of the NIS cooperation group, 23 Member States, ENISA and the European Commission are gathering for the first time at high level in Paris on July 2 and 3, 2019 for an exercise called Blue OLEx 2019. On this occasion, Guillaume Poupard, Director General of ANSSI, […]

Jean-Baptiste LEMOYNE’s Editorial

State Secretary to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, President of the Tourism Steering Board

“Give me good cooks, and I will provide you with good treaties,” Talleyrand promised Napoleon, as he used our know-how to serve his negotiations. The importance we place on gastronomy and food is certainly a French specificity. The culture that has developed around this desire to “eat well” and to share quality products is anchored […]

ANSSI – (National Agency for Information Systems Security)

Final adoption of Cybersecurity Act

Pleinement investie pour défendre les positions françaises lors des négociations, l’Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (ANSSI) se félicite de l’adoption définitive du Cybersecurity Act. Paru au Journal Officiel de l’Union européenne le 7 juin, ce règlement marque une véritable avancée pour l’autonomie stratégique européenne. Il poursuit un double objectif : l’adoption du […]


Mayor of Albi

Albi is happy and proud to host the National Congress of the “Villes de France” association less than a year from the renewal of our local executives and in an enabling environment for the demands of our territories. This is evidenced by our elected colleagues’ significant participation in our work, as well as that of […]


af83 is a digital consulting firm, a service company that puts design at the core of its business as a link between people, organizations and environments. Its team of 30 people carries out assistance missions to project management, consulting, design, architecture and implementation of B2B or B2C applications, as well as user tests. It records […]


Mrs Elena Umanets, Smart City Development Manager, "Installation, operation and new services" Business Unit of Egis Group

Everyone knows about Egis but today we know there are new challenges. What is Egis’s policy on sustainable development and in particular in areas related to mobility? The Egis Group’s mission is to support communities in the context of ecological and energy transition towards new mobility practices that are less polluting and more virtuous, and […]


Mayor of Forbach

What are the main issues related to cross-border policy? Every day, thousands of people along the borders, and especially in Eastern Moselle, cross the borders for different reasons: for work, consumption of goods and services, health, tourism or culture. For this to be possible, there is necessarily the question of learning the neighbour’s language (bilingualism […]

Mr David BERMAN & Mr Philippe LAGRANGE

The group's head of public affairs and Partnership Manager of Villes de France, VEOLIA

During the recent European elections, our fellow citizens have restated their strong expectations on issues relating to the environment and the energy transition. Local elected representatives have considerable leverage on these affairs. Cities and their inter-municipal structures possess the relevant competencies in regard to water and sanitation, waste recycling and recovery as well as energy […]


The city of Saint-Avertin chooses the new Locken solution for its accessibility management

Saint-Avertin, a dynamic city of 15,000 inhabitants located on the right bank of the Cher, is part of Tours’ agglomeration, the latter being twenty times larger. It was the burning of a gym, in 2010, and the requirements of insurance companies, that led the city to reflect upon the security of its various implementations. In […]