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European Utility Week

and POWERGEN Europe, an event that spotlights every part of the energy ecosystem

Journal Général de l’Europe is pleased to announce its partnership with the European Utility Week Show” ! Go to the website of European Utility Week by clicking on this link >     European Utility Week and POWERGEN Europe, a three-day event that spotlights every part of the energy ecosystem, is coming to Paris. […]

Mrs Monika Hohlmeier

fighting climate change is the priority for the EU's 2020 budget

The EU’s budget for 2020 should include more climate action funding and higher investment in sustainable technologies, according to Monika Hohlmeier, MEP’s Parliament’s budget negotiator. The Parliament will vote on its position for next year’s budget on 23 October. German EPP member Monika Hohlmeier, chair of the budgetary control committee, talks about her budget proposals […]

Mrs. Sabine VERHEYEN

European deputy, President of the Culture and Education Committee

Can you tell us about the tasks and responsibilities of the Culture and Education Committee? We are responsible for the cultural and educational aspects of the European Union. In particular, the improving and dissemination of culture, the protection of cultural heritage and linguistic diversity and the development of Sports policy. In addition to that, we […]

Who is Frans Timmermans, European Commissioner?

appointed to the European Green Deal and the fight against climate change?

Désigné pour devenir le prochain premier vice-président exécutif de la Commission européenne en charge du Green deal européen et commissaire à la Lutte contre le changement climatique, le candidat Frans Timmermans a été auditionné par les députés européens le mardi 8 octobre à 18h30.     Son parcours Vice-président de la précédente Commission et Spitzenkandidat […]

Who are the future European commissioners?

Le 1er novembre, la nouvelle Commission européenne doit entrer en fonctions. Présidée par Ursula von der Leyen, elle comptera 26 autres commissaires désignés chacun par un Etat membre. Qui sont-ils ? Quelles seront leurs missions ? Quel est leur parcours ? Tour d’horizon du futur collège envisagé.     Proposée par les Etats membres réunis […]

Dynamic charging concept

What if tomorrow we reloaded his vehicle while driving?

What if tomorrow we reloaded his vehicle while driving? The limited range and price of the electric vehicle often act as a brake on the purchase, as does the availability and power of the charging stations. The concept of dynamic charging could favor the massive adoption of electric vehicles by transferring part of the energy […]

Renewable energy growth

Renewable energy expected to return to strong growth in 2019

Renewable energies have grown exponentially on all continents since 2013. But this strong growth has unexpectedly slowed down in 2018, raising concerns about the ability of the international community to achieve long-term climate goals. Will the year 2019 succeed in reversing the trend?   2019, year of resumption of double-digit growth? According to the forecasts […]

Renewable energies

Renewable energy coverage rate exceeds 25% in Q2 2019

Each quarter, the French electricity grid operator RTE, the Union of Renewable Energies (SER), Enedis, the Association of Electricity Distributors in France (ADEeF) and the ORE Agency draw up a detailed inventory of the development of the main French renewable electricity production sectors. This document aims to support the deployment of green energies in France […]

Mrs Marie-Sophie L.

President of L'instant cru, naturopath and "raw-chef"

Let’s retake control of our health with a well-balanced diet!   You have been a naturopath for 30 years and a raw chef since 2012, how would you define Raw Food? And what are its origins? “Raw” defines all that is unrefined, pure and uncooked. It’s about privileging unprocessed foods, keeping them the least dehydrated […]

Circular Plastics Alliance

EuPC Signs Circular Plastics Alliance Declaration

On 20 September 2019 in Brussels, the Circular Plastics Alliance presented and adopted its declaration. The declaration describes the alliance’s vision for more recycled plastics in Europe, as well as their commitments for action to reach the EU target to incorporate 10 million tonnes of recycled plastics into products in the EU annually by 2025. […]