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Actualités - Page 35 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe

Mr Jean-Philippe CARPENTIER

President of the Professional Federation of Recycling Enterprises (FEDEREC)

Could you introduce us to FEDEREC, its competencies and tasks? (Briefly) FEDEREC, created in 1945, is the French federation representative of recycling companies. It represents a sector of 1,000 companies, that is to say 2,000 recycling sites in France that have a system of sorting and treating waste as well as the marketing of raw […]

Mrs. Anne BUCHER

Director General of the European Commission, DG Health and Food Safety

Your mission is to ensure safe and healthy food in Europe, what are the means implemented? “Ensuring safe and healthy food” is not the European Commission’s sole responsibility! Nevertheless, “Europe” in general can be considered as the common link of a chain that goes from production to consumers, “from farm to fork”. This is a […]

Mrs Viviane Hoffmann

Responsible renovation: the focus on carbon

What are the cultural and educational aspects of “gastronomic heritage”, stemming from the European Parliament resolution of February 2014, which are embodied in your actions? In its 2014 resolution, the European Parliament defines gastronomy as “a body of knowledge, experience, as well as forms of arts and crafts that make eating healthy and enjoyable“. In […]

Climat Action Europe : “Climatic changes”

” EU can do more to fight dangerous climate change ” says Wendel TRIO as part of the “Energy & Climate” Official Dossier   The climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges the European Union and the world are facing today. Despite progress made over the past few years, the EU’s response to the threat of […]

Europe’s accounting tricks on energy savings

A growing number of EU member states are planning to use accounting tricks, including changes in fuel taxes introduced in the past, to claim “additional” energy savings as part of their EU climate obligations.       “In the beginning, there were eight countries notifying taxation measures. Now, we’re looking at eleven,” said Stefan Scheuer, […]

EU bank kicks climate can down road to November

The European Investment Bank decided on Tuesday (15 October) to delay a decision on updating its energy lending policy until November. Germany and the European Commission are still pushing for controversial changes to the bank’s original fossil-fuel-free proposal.     Under the EIB’s original version of its policy update, the EU lender proposed purging its […]

Commissioner Arias Cañete

for ministerial dialogue ahead of UN climate conference

Ahead of the next UN climate conference (COP25) to be held in Santiago de Chile on 2-13 December 2019, Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete will take part in a ministerial dialogue on climate change known as ‘pre-COP’ in Costa Rica on 8-10 October. Ministers will discuss key issues on the agenda of […]


A bridge between the electricity and gas networks

Article signé Camille Guittonneau, Élève-ingénieure à Centrale Supélec L’Union européenne s’est fixée l’objectif de « porter à 32% la part d’énergies renouvelables (EnR) dans la consommation énergétique totale » d’ici à 2030 ce qui implique une forte augmentation de la puissance renouvelable installée dans le parc européen. Ces changements dans les moyens de production installés, […]

The electrical interconnection

a tool at the service of the European energy transition

L’Union de l’Énergie, projet lancé par la Commission européenne en 2015, vise à renforcer les interconnexions électriques entre les États membres en reliant l’ensemble des réseaux nationaux de transport d’électricité. L’objectif de ce grand chantier est favoriser les échanges énergétiques entre pays afin de réduire la dépendance de l’Europe aux importations de gaz et œuvrer […]

Mr. Philippe AUGIER

Mayor of Deauville, President of the Côte Fleurie Community of Communes

Pouvez-vous nous présenter la mission que vous a confiée par Édouard Philippe, Premier ministre, visant à dynamiser et transformer dix sites patrimoniaux remarquables et inexploités en équipements attractifs pour le territoire français ? L’offre patrimoniale française foisonne d’anciens sites patrimoniaux qui ne demandent qu’à être réinvestis et dynamisés. De nouvelles dynamiques architecturales et urbaines sont […]