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Actualités - Page 34 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe

Does the digital sector exhaust the resources of our planet?

Amazon a récemment annoncé la construction de trois nouveaux sites de production d’énergies renouvelables dédiés à l’alimentation de ses centres de données aux États-Unis (en Caroline du Nord) et au Royaume-Uni (Écosse). Le géant du e-commerce compte s’appuyer sur les énergies éolienne et solaire pour réduire ses émissions de gaz à effet serre. Dans le […]

Mr François-Régis Mouton

Director Europe at the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP)

Could you tell us about the IOGP, its tasks and responsibilities? The IOGP is the international industry association representing the upstream sector (Exploration & Production) of the oil and gas chain. Our Members – just over 80 companies today – account for more than 40% of oil and gas production worldwide and about 90% in […]


Research administrator, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament

The EU is one of the most efficient major economies in tackling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and it is going to achieve its emission reduction target for 2020. EU GHG emissions were down in 2018 by 23% from the 1990 levels, while the target set already in 2007 was 20%. However, much more effort is […]


President of the Committee of the Regions

Since the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015, there has been considerable momentum across the globe for a cleaner and more sustainable future. And yet our climate and our environment are still in crisis.   The recent demonstrations and the “green wave” that marked the European elections clearly show that citizens are demanding more […]

Mr Julije DOMAC

President of the Federation of Regions and Energy Agencies (Fedarene)

A green deal that works for the people, the economy and the planet: thoughts from a local perspective   As President of a federation of regions and energy agencies, I followed the designation process and hearings of future Commissioners with both hope and concern. Hope that the new proposed commissioners will fully and truly embrace […]

Dr Annegret Groebel

President of CEER (Council of European Energy Regulators)

Dr Groebel is also Head of the Department of International Relations/Postal Regulation at German regulator Bundesnetzagentur. CEER is the Council of European Energy Regulators, the non-profit association of Europe’s national energy regulatory authorities.   What regulatory challenges does energy transition currently bring and how does CEER deal with them? The energy transition essentially means moving […]

Mrs Elisabeth AYRAULT

President of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR)

Vous dites souvent que CNR accompagne les territoires dans la mise en œuvre de la transition énergétique. Pourriez-vous nous dire de quelle manière cela se traduit ? Accompagner les territoires c’est, en quelque sorte, l’ADN de CNR. En tant que concessionnaire de l’Etat pour l’aménagement du fleuve Rhône, nous exerçons 3 missions solidaires : produire […]

Mr Emmanuel KATRAKIS

Secretary-General of European Confederation of Recycling Industries (EuRIC)

Could you introduce us the EURIC, its tasks and responsibilities  The European Confederation of Recycling Industries (EuRIC) is the trade association for recycling industries at the European level. Our Members consist of the National Recycling Federations present in the majority of the Member States of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), […]

Mr Dominique Mamcarz, CSR Director DPDgroup

Improving everyday urban life while reducing our impact on the environment

• Why is smart urban delivery the way forward? Being a last-mile delivery player, there are three main challenges to tackle : With the growth of city populations, delivery requests in urban area increase. Over 73% of Europe’s inhabitants live in cities E-commerce is exploding. Parcel volumes are expected to double by 2025, increasing delivery […]

Decarbonisation and manufacturing industry

Jaroslav Suchý, Jiří Reiss, Ivan Souček – Association of the Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic

The EU’s ambition is to lead by example and be a world leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and European climate policy has a long-term and intensive influence on European and Czech industry. Industry perceives that the topic of climate change and the fight against it has become a political, social and media phenomenon. Because […]