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Actualités - Page 28 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe

Transport & Tourism : More concrete actions and financial support for the summer holidays

The Transport and Tourism Committee discussed today the European Commission’s guidance on how to safely resume travel and allow tourism businesses to reopen: Rebooting tourism: MEPs underlined the need to restore trust in safe travelling through additional concrete measures, as the current situation remains uncertain despite the proposed package. The Commission announced that a website […]

Transport Committee approves major reform of road transport sector

Improving drivers’ working conditions Clear rules on posting of drivers Better enforcement to fight illegal practices Transport Committee MEPs endorsed on Monday the deal reached with EU ministers on a major reform of the road transport sector. The revised rules for posting of drivers, drivers’ rest times and better enforcement of cabotage rules (i.e. transport […]

MEPs adopt budget priorities for 2021

EU Budget 2021 must be an important part of the COVID-19 recovery plan First annual budget of the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework (MFF) But contingency plan necessary in case new MFF is not in place from January The 2021 budget priorities should be to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and support the recovery, […]

Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027

The process to establish the next long-term budget of the EU for the period 2021-2027 has started. It’s about the future of Europe, about whether the EU does less, the same or more for its citizens. This Q&A reflects Parliament’s position and the state of play before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The European […]

COVID-19: Save European culture and values, MEPs tell Commission

EU recovery plan for cultural and creative sector needed Call for direct support for media EU culture and values need to be preserved at all costs Rebuilding the hard-hit cultural and media sectors in post-COVID-19 Europe must be a major objective in the EU’s recovery plan, MEPs said in a debate on Monday. In their […]

Summer holidays: MEPs demand more clarity for tourism in COVID-19 crisis

MEPs gave overall positive feedback on the Commission’s transport and tourism package; however, many insist on more concrete actions and financial support ahead of the summer holidays. The Transport and Tourism Committee discussed today the European Commission’s guidance on how to safely resume travel and allow tourism businesses to reopen: Rebooting tourism: MEPs underlined the […]

EP negotiators: recovery plan crucial, but do not trade long-term for short-term

The €750 billion borrowing plan is an important proposal for an efficient recovery Recovery strategy should not be financed at the expense of the MFF, MEPs said in reaction to the Commission’s long-term budget and recovery plan proposals Danger of weakened EU budget after recovery phase, preventing EU from investing in common future Parliament ready […]

Supporting the recovery: MEPs adopt budget priorities for 2021

EU Budget 2021 must be an important part of the COVID-19 recovery plan First annual budget of the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework (MFF) But contingency plan necessary in case new MFF is not in place from January The 2021 budget priorities should be to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and support the recovery, […]

COVID-19: A coordinated EU health strategy needed, say MEPs

Common EU methodology to count COVID-19 infection rates and fatalities necessary Increase production of medical supplies in the EU Global pledging conference on 4 May to raise funds to develop a vaccine Parliament’s committee in charge of public health questioned Commissioners Kyriakides and Lenarčič on how to best step up the EU’s response and coordination […]

Antitrust: Commission consults stakeholders on a possible new competition tool

The European Commission has published today an inception impact assessment as well as an open public consultation inviting comments on exploring the need for a possible new competition tool that would allow addressing structural competition problems in a timely and effective manner. Stakeholders can submit their views on the inception impact assessment until 30 June […]