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Actualités - Page 25 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe

Tourism Committee MEPs: EU must act, 22 million jobs are at stake

Uniform EU-wide criteria needed for testing, travel forms, quarantine terms, health protocols for transport and public spaces Concrete action and guarantees for tourism SMEs, travellers must get clearer information Creating a common EU policy for sustainable tourism is a must Members of Parliament’s Tourism Task Force reiterate that the tourism sector needs EU-level coordination and […]

COVID-19 vaccines 

Pascal CANFIN, Chairman of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (Renew Europe, FR) - Cristian BUSOI, Industry, Research and Energy Committee Chair  (EPP, RO)

MEPs debated ways to secure a quick and safe supply of COVID-19 vaccines on Tuesday, with representatives of pharmaceutical companies, research , and civil society. During the public hearing, MEPs from the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety as well as the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy heard from key players including […]

Green Deal and competition policy

Margrethe VESTAGER Executive Vice-President for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age and Competition

When we look around us, at the state of our environment and our climate in 2020, things can seem pretty bleak. We all see the results of climate change in the terrifying orange skies in California, and temperatures of 38 degrees in Siberia. We feel the dirty air in our lungs that drives 400,000 early […]

The COVAX Facility

Ursula Von der LEYEN, President of the European Commission - Stella KYRIAKIDES, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety - Jutta URPILAINEN, Commissioner for International partnerships.

Today, the European Commission confirmed its participation in the COVAX Facility for equitable access to affordable COVID-19 vaccines, following its expression of interest on 31 August and its announcement of a contribution of €400 million. In a joint effort between the European Commission and the 27 EU Member States, Team Europe will contribute with an […]

Let’s make change happen

Ursula Von der LEYEN, President of the European Commission

Throughout history, pandemics have changed the destiny of people. They make us see the world in a different light and remind us the value of many of the simplest things in life – from our daily routines to giving our families a hug to appreciating the nature all around us. They also make us question […]

Renew Europe welcomes stimulus fund, but calls for improvement of 7-years budget

Renew Europe welcomes the Recovery instrument agreed by the European Council. The Instrument is a formidable symbol of EU solidarity and a much-needed economic stimulus. In May, our group led talks on the resolution calling for the creation of such instrument. We will now work on improving the governance of the EU’s recovery tools and […]

The green / EFA : Agreement reached at the price of high concessions

After tough negotiations, EU leaders agreed on a reconstruction fund of 750 billion Euro, including 390 billion in grants, a Multiannual financial framework of 1.074 trillion, linking payments from the reconstruction fund vaguely to the rule of law and a right of appeal for EU governments when granting money from the reconstruction fund. The Netherlands, […]

A €750 billion compromise, but long-term prospects controversial

EP’s negotiating team welcomes the agreement on the €750 billion recovery instrument But it is unacceptable that long-term EU budget is cut, while citizens ask for an increase in EU investments Binding commitment to new sources of EU revenue is crucial for fair repayment of recovery debt Respect for rule of law must be guaranteed […]

EU refining industry proposes a potential pathway to climate neutrality by 2050

Five years ago, we started working on the development of an ambitious pathway for enabling transport to contribute to EU’s climate neutrality ambition by 2050, based on scale up of low-carbon-liquid fuels supply and use, across several transport sectors. The ambition of the European Union is to be climate neutral by 2050. The European refining […]

EPR: a relevant and committed response to the challenges of packaging and paper circularity in Europe

Citeo, the French company in charge of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for household packaging and graphic papers, fully supports the European Commission’s vision of the need to move towards a circular economy, encouraging materials to become not waste but economically, socially and environmentally beneficial resources. Towards a Circular plastics’ approach Citeo has understood the need […]