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Actualités - Page 22 of 62 - Journal Général de l'Europe

Ursula van der Leyen: Building a European Health Union

Our aim is to protect the health of all European citizens. The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the need for more coordination in the EU, more resilient health systems, and better preparation for future crises. We are changing the way we address cross-border health threats. Today, we start building a European Health Union, to protect citizens […]

A Fourth contract with BioNTech-Pfizer

Ursula von der Leyen & Stella Kyriakides

President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen: In the wake of Monday’s promising announcement by BioNTech and Pfizer on the prospects for their vaccine, I’m very happy to announce today’s agreement with the European company BioNTech and Pfizer to purchase 300 million doses of the vaccine. With this fourth contract we are now […]

Frans Timmermans, Kadri Simson : EU new strategy to reduce methane emissions

Methane as part of Green Deal

Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the Green Deal: To become the first climate-neutral continent, the European Union will have to cut all greenhouse gases. Methane is the second most powerful greenhouse gas and an important cause of air pollution. Our methane strategy ensures emissions cuts in all sectors, especially agriculture, energy, and waste. It also […]

Commissioners Schmit and Breton launche the Pact for Skills

Skills strategy in key industrial ecosystems

Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights: Today, most employers know that investing in skills needs to be a key issue in their strategy. They realise that they cannot rely on governments alone to take the responsibility for education and training. The Pact for Skills will gather and inspire different commitments from companies large […]

President von der Leyen, about the EU Green Week 2020

This European week takes place as we are paving the way to Kunming. We need and we want a successful outcome of the global biodiversity negotiations. Biodiversity is at the heart of the future of our planet. The most active ones are mobilising and rallying the other generations. Active are mayors and local politicians, because […]

Commissioner Kadri Simson : State of the Energy Union report

The 2020 report is the first one since we launched our new sustainability and growth strategy, the European Green Deal. A well-functioning Energy Union is the necessary basis to deliver our climate neutrality commitment by 2050. Together with this report I have presented three key initiatives: the renovation wave, the methane strategy and Commission recommendations […]

Meps call on the Commission to revised industrial strategy

Industry, Research and Energy MEPs advocated a shift in the EU approach to industrial policy, to help businesses cope with the crisis and face the digital and environmental transitions. MEPs call on the Commission to come up with a revised industrial strategy, in a report adopted on Friday in the Industry, Research and Energy committee. […]

Increase the budget for the EU4Health programme to €9.4 billion

Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, Parliament’s rapporteur of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

EU must invest more in strengthening healthcare systems Support for digitalisation of healthcare through European eHealth Record Health inequalities must be reduced To fill gaps exposed by COVID-19 and ensure that health systems can face future threats to public health, an ambitious EU health programme is needed, say MEPs. On Wednesday, the Committee on the […]

39 billion euros more to increase the Green Deal

Johan van Overtveldt, Chairman of the Committee on Budgets

In a spirit of compromise, Parliament made a concrete and realistic proposal for an immediate increase of key programme envelopes in the long-term EU budget by €39bn. Contradictory figures (up to an additional €90bn) have however been spread by the Council presidency in an attempt to undermine Parliament’s offer. Johan van Overtveldt, Chairman of the […]

More than 50 European mayors call on EU to do better on climate targets

Les autorités municipales se prononcent en faveur d'objectifs de réduction des émissions allant jusqu'à 65 % d'ici 2030 avec le soutien de l'UE

Anna König Jerlmyr, Mayor of Stockholm and President of Eurocities, said: “Cities are at the forefront of climate ambition in Europe and will be the engines of the European Green Deal. The EU must support them with a fit-for-purpose COVID19 recovery plan that directs massive investments to the green and just transition in cities.” Mayors […]