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COP 21, Un accord ambitieux

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Grands entretiens

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M. François HOLLANDE, Président de la République

(Français) Avant-Propos

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Tous acteurs de la transition énergétique, tous mobilisés pour la réussite du sommet Paris Climat

(Français) Mme Ségolène ROYAL, Ministre de l’Ecologie, du développement durable et de l’énergie

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Les enjeux de la conférence PARIS CLIMAT 2015

(Français) M. Laurent FABIUS, Ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international

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état des lieux des connaissances

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Climat : responsabilités et esprit d’innovation

(Français) M. Gilles BERHAULT, Président du Comité 21 et du Club France Développement durable, Organisateur et porte-parole de Solutions COP 21

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Le climat en France au 21ème siècle : les scénarios de changements climatiques jusqu’en 2100

(Français) les scénarios de changements climatiques jusqu’en 2100

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Les conséquences du changement climatique sur la biodiversité

(Français) M. Philippe GERMA, Directeur général du WWF France

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La lutte contre le changement climatique : un levier pour protéger la santé humaine, réduire les inégalités et préserver l’environnement

(Français) M. Jean-Claude AMEISEN, Président du Comité consultatif national d’éthique

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La préparation des objectifs

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L’énergie, dossier européen par excellence

(Français) M. Dominique RISTORI, Directeur général de la DG Energie, Commission européenne

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Vers des mesures concrètes : l’Agenda des Solutions

(Français) Mme Laurence TUBIANA, Ambassadrice chargée des négociations sur le changement climatique, représentante spéciale pour la Conférence Paris Climat 2015

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Le débat citoyen planétaire sur le climat et l’énergie

(Français) M. Christian LEYRIT, Préfet de Région (h), Président de la Commission Nationale du Débat Public

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Convaincre l’humanité de se sauver d’elle-même

(Français) M. Nicolas HULOT, Envoyé spécial du Président de la République pour la protection de la planète, Président de la Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l’Homme

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L’intégration des enjeux économiques et environnementaux de la transition énergétique

(Français) M. Alain GRANDJEAN et Jean-Marc JANCOVICI, associés de « Carbone 4 »

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Concilier développement et lutte contre le dérèglement climatique, Agence Française pour le Développement – AFD

(Français) Trajectoires de développement durables d’un point de vue économique, social et environnemental.

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Lutter contre les changements climatiques

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Les énergies renouvelables doivent être au cœur de nos politiques climatiques

(Français) M. Jean-Louis BAL, Président du Syndicat des énergies renouvelables

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Les TAAF, sentinelles du changement climatique

(Français) Mme Cécile POZZO DI BORGO, Préfète, Administrateur supérieur des Terres Australes et Antarctiques françaises

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Un phénomène en voie d’élargissement : l’adaptation des entreprises au changement climatique

(Français) Mme Claire TUTENUIT, Déléguée générale de l’association « Les entreprises pour l’environnement »

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L’éolien, une lière dynamique qui participe à la solution dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique

(Français) M. Frédéric LANOË, Président de la Fédération française éolienne, porte-parole des professionnels éoliens

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Une péocupation pour la planête

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Les forêts et le cycle mondial du carbone, Directive relative au changement climatique

(Français) Edictée par l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture, FAO

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Changement climatique et santé

(Français) OMS et OMM vers une nouvelle collaboration

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Erosion du littoral, un phénomène mondial

(Français) une cartographie normalisée de l’évolution du trait de côte est en cours

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Inform about climate issues

a social responsibility for the TF1 Group

The Group conducts climate awareness campaigns for all of its stakeholders, including viewers and advertisers. In view of the COP 21, the Group’s branches are mobilized, from the editorial staff of TF1 and LCI to the Ushuaïa TV channel.


Coordinatrice de la politique RSE du groupe TF1 ©TF1 – Photographe : NILSHD

You are coordinator of the CSR (corporate social responsibility) policy of the TF1 group. What are your missions ?

CSR focuses on the impacts that business activity generates on its ecosystem, both social and natural. The goal is to create value for the company and all those who have a direct or indirect relationship with it. This means, for the coordinator that I am, a permanent dialogue with all the operational and functional divisions of the Group that must integrate these notions of social responsibility at the heart of their operations. At each of its stakes: equal opportunities, skills development, social dialogue for the Human Resources Department, control of our energy consumption for the General Affairs Department, business ethics for the Legal Department or journalistic ethics for the Management of Human Resources. Information, are part of a broad spectrum, in which we identified 15 priority issues.

The representation of national diversity on our screens, without omissions or stereotypes is an important factor of social peace and is part of this list.

The public authority, via the Higher Audiovisual Council, asks us for action plans and measures on this subject, but also on the place of women in our programs, the protection of the young public, the accessibility of people visually impaired or hard of hearing. Public awareness of major issues, including climate change, is also a priority.

The other aspect of the mission is the alignment of these actions with the Group’s strategy, and the communication about them. As a quoted company, we are highly respected by non-financial rating agencies and we answer many questionnaires every year for investors wishing to put in their portfolio companies with a high level of responsibility. As such, we are very pleased to be well represented in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World Index, of which only 10 media groups in the world are members.


You are coordinator of the CSR (corporate social responsibility) policy of the TF1 group. What are your missions ?

CSR focuses on the impacts that business activity generates on its ecosystem, both social and natural. The goal is to create value for the company and all those who have a direct or indirect relationship with it. This means, for the coordinator that I am, a permanent dialogue with all the operational and functional divisions of the Group that must integrate these notions of social responsibility at the heart of their operations. At each of its stakes: equal opportunities, skills development, social dialogue for the Human Resources Department, control of our energy consumption for the General Affairs Department, business ethics for the Legal Department or journalistic ethics for the Management of Human Resources. Information, are part of a broad spectrum, in which we identified 15 priority issues.

The representation of national diversity on our screens, without omissions or stereotypes is an important factor of social peace and is part of this list.

The public authority, via the Higher Audiovisual Council, asks us for action plans and measures on this subject, but also on the place of women in our programs, the protection of the young public, the accessibility of people visually impaired or hard of hearing. Public awareness of major issues, including climate change, is also a priority.

The other aspect of the mission is the alignment of these actions with the Group’s strategy, and the communication about them. As a quoted company, we are highly respected by non-financial rating agencies and we answer many questionnaires every year for investors wishing to put in their portfolio companies with a high level of responsibility. As such, we are very pleased to be well represented in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World Index, of which only 10 media groups in the world are members.


By what actions does the TF1 group sensitize its viewers to climate issues?

Nicolas Hulot has long aired his messages to the general public in Ushuaia Nature. Building on this dynamic, Ushuaia TV was created in 2005 to be a sustainable development laboratory among the Group’s thematic offices. The channel offers a remarkable program throughout the year 2015 with more than 400 hours dedicated to the climate and issues of COP21.

Evelyne Dheliat who worked very early with scientists to get their messages to the general public, used the weather report, the favorite program of the French, to talk about climate change in 2005.

Lastly, TF1 news broadcasts broadcast 700 to 1,000 topics related to the environment, biodiversity and climate change that affect the public every hour at prime time. Climate change is not just an environmental issue: it is a complete paradigm shift that will change our way of life and how we live together.

The time of the alert is now over, it is the sharing of solutions that is on the agenda: eco-housing, renewable energy, sharing and reuse, soft mobility, local production and distribution … we have ranked in a dozen themes the changes at work in society, to measure the way the newspapers in the chain report. There is no dead end!

But to be legitimate in a public awareness campaign, we had to take into account our own environmental footprint. It is modest compared to other activities if we only consider our headquarters.

We have put in place in our buildings in Boulogne plans to reduce our consumption, and we will sign the Paris Climate Charter this fall. Audiovisual shoots have a more significant impact: they require vehicles, electricity and fuel consumptions for lighting and generators. They generate a lot of waste because the sets are very ephemeral. However, 80% of the programs broadcast on our antenna are made on our behalf by external producers. It was therefore necessary to design a practical solution and make it available to the entire sector so that indirectly the ecological footprint of our programs would be reduced. This is the purpose of the Ecoprod approach, a collective that we created in 2009 with the Ile de France Film Commission and which were then joined by major public and private partners, including France Télévisions. Together we have developed a carbon calculator adapted to audiovisual productions, a guide to eco-production, and a website for the exchange of good practices between professionals.

On November 25th, we will organize a sector mobilization event on the occasion of a partnership that Ecoprod has concluded with Film4Climate, a World Bank initiative that aims to get our tools adopted by all professionals.

On November 25th, we will organize a sector mobilization event on the occasion of a partnership that Ecoprod has concluded with Film4Climate, a World Bank initiative that aims to get our tools adopted by all professionals.


With Météo France, associated with WMO (World Meteorological Organization) Evelyne Dhéliat presents the weather of 2050 to alert the public about the consequences of climate change: 40 ° C, violent storms on the bulletin menu of 18 August 2050

TF1 organized a conference on the 6th of January 2015 on COP21. Can you introduce this event? Who were the stakeholders?

The conference, which we organized at 10 months of the COP 21 to open the year with a strong gesture, was aimed at our advertisers: companies that are themselves very often involved in CSR processes. The aim of this unprecedented event, both a conference and a television program broadcast at the end of January on Ushuaia TV, was to inform our business partners of our determination to deal with the climate issue. By sharing scientific, political and economic solutions to this major issue, we wanted to reflect on the integration of these new paradigms in advertising. Companies have many initiatives to value and consumers, who are also our public, are increasingly demanding products that are good for their health and for the planet.

The TF1 advertising agency is a key player in linking them. This conference, moderated by Christine OBERDORFF, Ushuaïa TV journalist and director of a 52 ‘series around CoP 21, gave the floor to both tenors of international negotiations and thirty-something young people engaged in the economy. social and solidarity. Success has been there and the dialogue with advertisers is promising. We are continuing our event programming by supporting the Global Compact’s Club PME Climat at the beginning of September and a conference on responsible advertising on September 30th.

The mobilization of the Group will of course be even stronger during the COP 21 with significant editorial coverage on both TF1 and LCI. It will continue well beyond that because the issues that cross society as a whole are by definition ours.








TF1 – 1, quai du point du jour – 92656 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex,

le reporting RSE du Groupe TF1

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