Can you introduce CCIFER, its missions and competencies? of the total number of French companies in Romania how many are CCIFER members and what does this represent? What are the business sectors that you group?
There are more than 3,000 French investors in Romania.
Founded 23 years ago, the French Chamber of Commerce in Romania (CCIFER) gathers a community of large companies often in a leading position in their sector, dynamic SMEs, associations and professionals who contribute significantly to the Romanian economy: 17 billion Euros cumulated turnover and 125,000 direct jobs. All sectors are represented, from industry, through aeronautics, automotive or new technologies, but also agriculture and agri-tech, health, retail and services. French investors have found in Romania a relaunch of growth in an emerging market within the EU, as well as a relay for their global competitiveness by producing some of their added value by relying on talent and affordable costs.
CCIFER’s missions? Create new opportunities for its members, support business development through value-added services and represent the voice of member companies in the public dialogue. Among the value-added services, we can mention our support for 50 companies from France in looking for opportunities in Romania and am Executive Management Programme (ExMP) with ESCP Europe for already 6 years.
You have created many working groups, what are your actions to promote the French presence and support of French companies in Romania?
Our dialogue with public authorities for a competitive economic environment, is one of the three missions of CCIFER. We have more than 100 experts form our companies involved in 12 working groups which allows us to actively contribute to the consultations initiated by the public authorities, being the force of proposals on the reform points necessary to the competitiveness and the attractiveness of Romania.
Active in agriculture, new technologies, health, but also in innovation or social responsibility, our working groups allow us to highlight the expertise of member companies through showcase projects. The most recent “Mobility of the Future” caravan, a cycle of 5 conferences in different cities, has introduced the European vision for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the good practices of a dozen member companies that offer innovative solutions for urban mobility in the field of vehicles, infrastructure or services.
Our 100 annual events bring together French or Romanian companies, representatives of central or local authorities, universities and professional associations and help boost the Franco-Romanian economic relationship.
France excels in many fields of activity, which sectors in Romania are promising for French companies or could they become? Are we covering all sectors of activity in Romania?
Romania is the country of Eastern Europe hosting one of the largest French investor communities: since the 1990s, the majority of 3,000 French-owned companies have shown dynamism during the years favorable to development and resilience during the crisis years.
The French economic presence in Romania is dense in all sectors of activity: 36 CAC40 companies are present in Romania in the automotive, banking & insurance, telecoms, IT, distribution, the pharmaceutical industry and energy.France, with a stock of FDI of 4.2 billion euros, is the 4th largest investor in Romania, after the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. Reactivity, expertise and commitment – are the guiding principles for the 15 permanent members of the French CCI team in Romania to offer the best business support to member companies: over the last 10 years we have accompanied more than 1,000 projects for companies who are looking for Romanian customers, distributors, suppliers or partners. By relying on our network of members, we offer French companies field information, sector know-how and technical expertise to sell or create a structure in Romania. Our Business Center has hosted more than 40 business projects that have found a turnkey structure to install a sales representative or country manager, benefiting from the proximity of our team and the support of our members.
Innovation and new technologies are very present in Romania, can we focus on this subject in the context of Franco-Romanian relations?
Romania offers one of the most advanced broadband telecom infrastructure in Europe and a university system that graduates each year more than 7,000 specialists in technical fields. Currently representing about 4% of GDP, new technologies are expected to reach almost 10% in the coming years. Foreign investors are very active in this sector, French companies have recently positioned themselves there – we have about 100 French players in this sector. Major French investors support innovation, actively contributing to the emergence and support of Romanian start ups, whether in services, energy or sustainable development.
France is an active member of the OIF in the same way as Romania, how does the French language serve our relations from your point of view?
Doing business in Romania is easy for the French. There is a geographical proximity (2h50 by plane from Paris), linguistic (Romanian is a Latin language) and cultural (links with France are very old). The Romanians are globally multilingual and multicultural, resolutely open. Latins, their culture has an important place for oral and relationship. Otherwise, it is an international business culture, since many French companies are already based in Romania. French allows us to have more loyal employees, linked to a corporate culture and not just a career opportunity, and ready for international mobility especially in France. At CCIFER, we wish to contribute to strengthening the French-language teaching sectors – there are more than 100 in Romania – to enable our companies to recruit Francophone talents in all sectors.
What are the expected economic benefits of the France-Romania Season (November 2018-July 2019)
During the 7 months of the France – Romania Season, more than 300 cultural, scientific, educational, economic and gastronomic events will take place in France and Romania. All these events allow us to promote our respective know-how and project an updated image of our two countries, oriented towards the future and towards what we can build together, in Europe, with the potential of our companies and the development of our Franco-Romanian cooperation.
Several economic conferences, trade show visits, a French market, a hackathon, will therefore fit into this dense program of the France Romania Season.
What are the major projects and objectives of the CCIFER in the coming years?
We have a 3 year strategy that we decline in our activities. Public dialogue is the first axis – consolidating and defending the voice of business in a changing political and economic context. We are working with other bilateral chambers and professional associations to represent the voice of the entire Romanian economy in these consultations.
We are also committed to supporting entrepreneurship – we already offer mentoring and guidance for new projects, we are thinking of going further to enable entrepreneurs to fully rely on resources in our community.
Education is also an axis, as we work with companies to map the skills of tomorrow – how to identify them, how to help educational institutions to integrate quickly, how to help young people to orient themselves in their lives to be better prepared on the job market. The CCIFER is particularly involved in the development of dual vocational training.
Finally, on the eve of major European elections, what message do you wish to send to your members, to French companies in Romania and to those who wish to establish themselves there?
Europe is an important catalyst for the Franco-Romanian relationship – this link is also visible at the economic level. Romania’s biggest trading partner is the European Union. 2007 was the year with the most foreign investment in Romania. European funding is an important contributor to the Romanian economy. We could therefore say to investors that thanks to Europe, Romania’s economy is more robust, more stable, better connected. On the other side, Europe benefits from Romanian talents, a market of 20 million consumers, a laboratory of innovations and technologies, and a Romanian public opinion that is resolutely pro-European. The partnership between Romania and the rest of Europe is balanced and winning. If your company is not yet present in Romania, join the many companies that have succeeded here and CCIFER will accompany your project.