ROUSSEAU, an expert on dedicated equipment for the maintenance of roadside verges, has replaced, on its range of E-TP mowers, the transmission of hydraulic power by an electric transmission for the rotor drive.
This idea arose from three key issues: to anticipate the future transition of agricultural machinery towards electricity, to show ROUSSEAU’s involvement in the future of the industry, and to show its consideration for the current environmental challenges. These devices provide many gains for the product, its user and its working environment, and are more efficient, more technological and more respectful of the environment.
After the launch of E-KASTOR 535 PA machinery in 2017, R&D proposed changes to industrialize the range. These changes now allow ROUSSEAU to offer this patented technology on all the mowers of the TP ROUSSEAU range, thus showing the potential offered by electricity.
Main advantages of the range:
• 90% average efficiency (against 60% for hydraulics). Power from the tractor PTO is transmitted to the rotor virtually without loss through a generator and an associated power electronics device.
• -35% average fuel consumption. Since the engine speed of the carrier is lower for carrying out the same work, the energy consumption is lower and usury of the carrier is reduced.
• -10 dB with a grinding unit (up to -20 dB with a cutterbar). There is less noise pollution for the user and the environment; an increase in convenience.
• Absence of battery, therefore no chemical or explosion hazard. The system is completely de-energized when the power take-off is stopped and no residual electrical risk remains.
• Emphasis was also placed on the eco-design of the electric range to meet the demand for energy transition. Aspects such as the use of brine for cooling, the replacement of the rotor hydraulic system by an electrical system eliminating the risk of external pollution, and the reduction of energy expenditure (less fuel) argue for the use of electric mowers in the framework of the Climate Air Territorial Energy Plan.
• 130 staff
• € 25 million turnover in 2018
• Based in Lyon (69)
• Year of creation: 1962
ROUSSEAU is a major player in the French mower market.
The company has joined the American group ALAMO since 2004 but claims the French manufacturing of its equipment. For more than 50 years, ROUSSEAU has been developing solutions for the maintenance of roadside verges by adapting to the specific needs of its customers (farmers, communities and ETA).
Contact presse :
Anne-Sophie Cardinal
+33 (0)4 78 98 68 83
Rousseau SAS
40 Avenue Auguste Wissel CS 10132
69583 Neuville-sur-Saône Cedex