In order to promote harmonious development throughout its territory, the European Union’s ambition is to strengthen its economic, social and territorial cohesion.
In particular, it aims to reduce the gap between the levels of development of the various regions of which it is composed. To do this, “additional investments should be directed towards infrastructure, particularly broadband networks and energy networks, as well as transport infrastructure in industrial centers, education, research and innovation , renewable energies and energy efficiency, “said JC Junker in his speech to the presidency of the European Commission.
Making energy safer, affordable and sustainable; stimulating growth and employment without creating new debts and removing obstacles to fully exploit the opportunities offered by the Internet are three of the priority areas of the European Commission that will strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion in Europe and ensure a more harmonious development of the territory.
Services of General Interest (GIS) and Economic Services of General Interest will be the privileged actors of this policy.
The importance the Union attaches to the access of everyone to services of general interest is repeatedly reaffirmed by the European Commission, with the requirement that ‘the guarantee of universal access, continuity, high quality and affordability are key elements of consumer policy in the field of services of general economic interest ‘, notably in the fields of energy, education and research and digital innovation.
This dossier will endeavor to give voice to the actors of this European ambition and to present the main mechanisms often ignored by their recipients: Europeans.