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Miroslav FUKAN, Executive Director OLTIS Group

    Miroslav FUKAN, Executive Director OLTIS Group     Can you briefly introduce us to OLTIS Group? And the IRFC event of October 2022? OLTIS Group is a Czech Company for Information Systems in Transport. It is a purely Czech business entity comprising member companies. Since 1997, it has stamped its authority on the […]

Jan Lipavsky, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

I am pleased that the Journal Général de l’Europe, a prestigious magazine praised in the European professional community, decided to dedicate an edition to our country for the 2022 Czech Presidency in the Council of the European Union. I am convinced that the initiative will help us introduce the themes and goals of our presidency […]

Edita Hrdá, Head of the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU, CZECH PRESIDENCY AS A LEARNING OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL

18 years after becoming a member of the European Union, the Czech Republic takes over the Presidency of the EU Council for the second time in its history. Presiding over the work of the Council is never an easy task. The role of the Presidency is to encourage member states to reach a consensus on […]

Vladimír Dlouhý, President of The Czech Chamber of Commerce & Deputy President of EUROCHAMBRES

Vladimír Dlouhý, President of The Czech Chamber of Commerce & Deputy President of EUROCHAMBRES   Journal Général de l’Europe (JGDE): Can you briefly introduce us to the Czech Chamber of Commerce? Vladimír Dlouhý (VD): The Czech Chamber of Commerce is the only representative of business community in the Czech Republic which was established by a […]

Vít Rakušan, 1st Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior

Vít Rakušan, 1st Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior   Journal Général de l’Europe (JGDE): Can you briefly introduce us to the Ministry of Interior? missions and duties at national level (reform of specialized police services, and others) Vít Rakušan (VR): The Czech Ministry of Interior is in charge of a vast number […]

OLTIS group :The seventh International Rail Forum & Conference IRFC 2022 will be taking place in Prague on 5th to 7th October, 2022

The seventh International Rail Forum & Conference IRFC 2022 will be taking place in Prague on 5th to 7th October, 2022 with the central theme “Let’s Build a New Generation of Railway Together”. The conference has received an Office of the Government of the Czech Republic patronage in connection with the Czech presidency of the […]

Les Priorités Politiques de la Présidence Tchèque

Ukraine, sécurité énergétique, défense et cybersécurité, résilience économique et démocratique. Ce sont les cinq sujets qui figurent en tête de l’agenda politique de la prochaine présidence tchèque La République tchèque assumera la présidence tournante du Conseil de l’UE du 1 juillet à la fin de l’année. Au cours de cette période de six mois, Prague dirigera […]