The European Commission has launched the 2019 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) transport call for proposals. This call co-finances projects addressing missing-links and cross-border connections on the trans-European transport network (TEN-T).
The European Committee of the Regions is organising an information session together with the European Commission’s DG MOVE who will present the political priorities of the 2019 call. Practical information about how to prepare a successful proposal, as well as other background information relevant to the application and evaluation process will be presented by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) which is implementing the CEF programme.
This workshop will take place on
7 February 2019 from 14:00 to 15:30 in room JDE 52
in the European Committee of the Regions building
(Rue Belliard 99-101, 1040 Brussels).
A Q&A session will follow.
The CEF call focuses on projects on the more peripheral « comprehensive network » of the TEN-T. It is open until 24 April 2019 and allocates € 65 million to:
- removing bottlenecks and bridging missing links;
- works concerning cross-border infrastructure projects for railways, inland waterways and roads;
- a better interconnection of national transport networks.
This call is another tangible result of the European Committee of the Region’s missing links initiative which started in 2016 in a joint meeting with the European Parliament’s TRAN Committee followed by the adoption of the CoR Opinion « Missing transport links in border regions« .
Further to our efforts alongside the EP’s to mobilise support in this field, DG MOVE issued a first successful call which invested €140m in 13 cross-border transport projects across the Union in 2017. In the same context, the European Commission also published a comprehensive analysis of cross-border missing links between Member States.
For additional information please refer to the events’ page in the CoR website:
In addition, if you have any written comments or position papers relevant to the subject, you are kindly invited to send them by email to
You can now register here to participate in this information session.
The COTER Secretariat
Please note that in order to reduce paper waste, the CoR will not provide paper copies of documents for the meeting.